
GoTryBuy Features

TRY before you BUY with TRYBUY Mirror




Easy Intergration

You can be up and running in under an hour.

Engagement Experience

Initial reports based on customer feedback have projected a higher conversion rate, fewer product returns and a visibly amplified interest in online shopping on social media.

All platforms

Seamless integration with all e-commerce sites and apps.

All devices

Is supported on a mobile phone, desktop, laptop or a tablet.

​Brand-new engaging features 

A trial before purchase must have been the dream of every e-shopper which seemed too ambitious until now. But not anymore! Magic Mirror is no less than a revolution in online fashion and beauty as it turns your dream into reality for the first time ever. With your very own practical and diverse shopping assistant, shopping will now be an enjoyable experience as you try on the products you buy.

A greater assurance about the product to be delivered has resulted in major e-commerce players and small online shops reporting a significant improvement in overall customer experience, over 60% more conversions and a visible downward trend in unsatisfied product returns by customers following the installation of Magic Mirror.

Supported Product Types


Say goodbye to costly returns

Allowing your customers to try products before buying them reduces the possibility of unsatisfied product returns as the customers are better assured of product information and appearance before delivery.  

Start Free Trial

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